Saturday, March 10, 2012

Punishment According to Lexi

Today, I told Lexi that she needed to do better saying ma'am and sir.  She seems to have forgotten this common southern manners rule.  I told her I would take away one minute of TV time at night for every time she forgot (TV time is precious since we watch so little around here).  She was devastated.  After a few hours thinking about it, she approached me to tell me that she wasn't worried about losing a minute each time she forgot (she was being honest, not bratty about it).  I asked her why.  She said because unless she lost all 15 minutes she would still get to watch TV and one minute was better than none.  Then she told me that she thought I should take away TV completely each time she forgot because she would care about that.  Really, she told me that.  Gotta love her :)

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